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Znamenskaya Stoyana Vasilyevna Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Docent. Head of the Department of Foreign Languages.
In 1975 she graduated from the Pyatigorsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in English and German.
Since 1989 — an employee of Stavropol State Medical University.
In 2004, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "Theory and methodology of vocational education".
She teaches Latin to first—year students of medical, pediatric and dental faculties, Latin in English to foreign students, prepares graduate students and candidates for the degree of Candidate of Sciences to pass the candidate exam in foreign languages, conducts classes with students of the Faculty of Advanced Training.
She is a member of the Academic Council of the University, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Humanities and Biomedical Education, a member of the Rector's Office, the coordinating Methodological Council, chairman of the Methodological Council of the Faculty of Foreign Students.
Her research interests include conducting research on the topic "Formation of intercultural competence of medical university students through a foreign language", leadership of a student scientific circle, participation in scientific conferences of various levels.
The results of the research have been introduced into the educational process of the university and other universities, are reflected in reports, scientific articles, theses and contribute to the continuous improvement of the educational process in order to improve the quality of general professional training of students, their adaptation in the socio-cultural environment, the formation of intercultural competence.
She participates in events that contribute to improving the image of the university at the international level.
For her active professional and social activities, S. V. Znamenskaya has been repeatedly awarded with commendations and Certificates of Honor from the university, the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory, the State Duma of Stavropol, the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory and the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, the Ministry of Health of the Stavropol Territory and the Russian Federation, public organizations, commemorative medals in honor of the anniversaries of StSMU.